Logging & Diagnostics ===================== The cbapi provides extensive logging facilities to track down issues communicating with the REST API and understand potential performance bottlenecks. Enabling Logging ---------------- The cbapi uses Python's standard :py:mod:`logging` module for logging. To enable debug logging for the cbapi, you can do the following:: >>> import logging >>> root = logging.getLogger() >>> root.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) >>> logging.getLogger("cbapi").setLevel(logging.DEBUG) All REST API calls, including the API endpoint, any data sent via POST or PUT, and the time it took for the call to complete:: >>> user.save() Creating a new User object Sending HTTP POST /api/user with {"email": "jgarman@carbonblack.com", "first_name": "Jason", "global_admin": false, "id": null, "last_name": "Garman", "password": "cbisawesome", "teams": [], "username": "jgarman"} HTTP POST /api/user took 0.079s (response 200) Received response: {u'result': u'success'} HTTP GET /api/user/jgarman took 0.011s (response 200)