CbAPI Changelog

CbAPI 1.3.5 - Released February 2, 2018

This release includes bugfixes and contributions from the Carbon Black community.

All products:

  • More Python 3 compatibility fixes.
  • Fix the wait_for_completion and wait_for_output options in the Live Response .create_process() method. If wait_for_completion is True, the call to .create_process() will block until the remote process has exited. If wait_for_output is True, then .create_process() will additionally wait until the output of the remote process is ready and return that output to the caller. Setting wait_for_output to True automatically sets wait_for_completion to True as well.
  • The BaseAPI constructor now takes three new optional keyword arguments to control the underlying connection pool: pool_connections, pool_maxsize, and pool_block. These arguments are sent to the underlying HTTPAdapter used when connecting to the Carbon Black server. For more information on these parameters, see the Python requests module API documentation for HTTPAdapter.

Cb Defense:

  • Date/time stamps in the Device model object are now represented as proper Python datetime objects, rather than integers.
  • The example script’s “Replace Rule” command is fixed.
  • Add the Cb Live Response job-based API.
  • Add a new example script

Cb Response:

  • The Process and Binary model objects now return None by default when a non-existent attribute is referenced, rather than throwing an exception.
  • Fixes to example script.
  • Fix exceptions in enumerating child processes, retrieving path and MD5sums from processes.
  • Multiple .where() clauses can now be used in the Sensor model object.
  • Workaround implemented for retrieving/managing more than 500 banned hashes.
  • Alert bulk operations now work on batches of 500 alerts.
  • .flush_events() method on Sensor model object no longer throws an exception on Cb Response 6.x servers.
  • .restart_sensor() method now available for Sensor model object.
  • Fix example script to eliminate exception when adding a new user to an existing team.
  • Add .remove_team() method on User model object.
  • Automatically set cb.legacy_5x_mode query parameter for all Process queries whenever a legacy Solr core (from Cb Response 5.x) is loaded.
  • Added .use_comprehensive_search() method to enable the “comprehensive search” option on a Process query. See the Cb Developer Network documentation on Comprehensive Search for more information on “comprehensive search”.
  • Add .all_childprocs(), .all_modloads(), .all_filemods(), .all_regmods(), .all_crossprocs(), and .all_netconns() methods to retrieve process events from all segments, rather than the current process segment. You can also use the special segment “0” to retrieve process events across all segments.
  • Fix cmdline_filters in the IngressFilter model object.

Cb Protection:

  • Tamper Protection can now be set and cleared in the Computer model object.

CbAPI 1.3.4 - Released September 14, 2017

This release includes a critical security fix and small bugfixes.

Security fix:

  • The underlying CbAPI connection class erroneously disabled hostname validation by default. This does not affect code that uses CbAPI through the public interfaces documented here; it only affects code that accesses the new CbAPISessionAdapter class directly. This class was introduced in version 1.3.3. Regardless, it is strongly recommended that all users currently using 1.3.3 upgrade to 1.3.4.

Bug fixes:

  • Add rule filename parameter to Cb Defense script’s add-rule command.
  • Add support for tamperProtectionActive attribute to Cb Protection’s Computer object.
  • Work around Cb Response issue- the /api/v1/sensor route incorrectly returns an HTTP 500 if no sensors match the provided query. CbAPI now catches this exception and will instead return an empty set back to the caller.

CbAPI 1.3.3 - Released September 1, 2017

This release includes security improvements and bugfixes.

Security changes:

  • CbAPI enforces the use of HTTPS when connecting to on-premise Cb Response servers.
  • CbAPI can optionally require TLSv1.2 when connecting to Carbon Black servers.
    • Note that some versions of Python and OpenSSL, notably the version of OpenSSL packaged with Mac OS X, do not support TLSv1.2. This will cause CbAPI to fail to connect to Cb Response 6.1+ servers which require TLSv1.2 cipher suites.
    • A new command, cbapi check-tls, will report the TLS version supported by your platform.
    • To enforce the use of TLSv1.2 when connecting to a server, add ssl_force_tls_1_2=True to that server’s credential profile.
  • Add the ability to “pin” a specific server certificate to a credential profile.
    • You can now force TLS certificate verification on self-signed, on-premise installations of Cb Response or Protection through the ssl_cert_file option in the credential profile.
    • To “pin” a server certificate, save the PEM-formatted server certificate to a file, and put the full path to that PEM file in the ssl_cert_file option of that server’s credential profile.
    • When using this option with on-premise Cb Response servers, you may also have to set ssl_verify_hostname=False as the hostname in the certificate generated at install time is localhost and will not match the server’s hostname or IP address. This option will still validate that the server’s certificate is valid and matches the copy in the ssl_cert_file option.

Changes for Cb Protection:

  • The API now sets the appropriate “GET” query fields when changing fields such as the debugFlags on the Computer object.
  • The .template attribute on the Computer model object has been renamed .templateComputer.
  • Remove AppCatalog and AppTemplate model objects.

Changes for Cb Response:

  • Added .webui_link property to Cb Response Query objects.
  • Added example.

Bug Fixes:

  • Error handling is improved on Python 3. Live Response auto-reconnect functionality is now fixed on Python 3 as a result.
  • Workaround implemented for Cb Response 6.1 where segment_ids are truncated on Alerts. The .process attribute on an Alert now ignores the segment_id and links to the first Process segment.
  • Fixed issue with Binary.signed and CbModLoadEvent.is_signed.

CbAPI 1.3.2 - Released August 10, 2017

This release introduces the Policy API for Cb Defense. A sample script is now included in the examples directory for Cb Defense.

Other changes:

  • Cb Response
    • Bugfixes to the User Model Object.
    • New example script to manage users & teams.
    • Additional Team Model Object to add/remove/modify user teams.
    • New example script to check if third party data sharing is enabled for binaries on any sensor groups.
    • Documentation fix for the User Model Object.
    • Fix to the example script.

CbAPI 1.3.1 - Released August 3, 2017

This is a bugfix release with minor changes:

  • Cb Response
    • Add script to demonstrate the use of the StoragePartition model object.
    • Fix errors when accessing the .start attribute of child processes.
    • Fix errors generated by the example script. The output has been changed as well to indicate the process lifetime, console UI link, and command lines.
    • Add an .end attribute to the Process model object. This attribute reports back either None if the process is still executing, or the last event time associated with the process if it has exited. See the script for an example of how to calculate process lifetime.
    • Fix errors when using the .parents attribute of a Process.
    • Add wait_for_completion flag to create_process Live Response method, and default to True. The create_process method will now wait for the target process to complete before returning.
  • Cb Defense
    • Add wait_for_completion flag to create_process Live Response method, and default to True. The create_process method will now wait for the target process to complete before returning.

CbAPI 1.3.0 - Released July 27, 2017

This release introduces the Live Response API for Cb Defense. A sample script is now included in the examples directory for both Cb Response and Cb Defense.

Other changes:

  • Cb Protection
    • You can now create new FileRule and Policy model objects in cbapi.
  • Cb Response
    • Added and scripts to the Cb Response examples directory. These scripts allow you to export Watchlist data in a human- and machine-readable JSON format and then re-import them into another Cb Response server.
    • The Sensor Model Object now uses the non-paginated (v1) API by default. This fixes any issues encountered when iterating over all the sensors and receiving duplicate and/or missing sensors.
    • Fix off-by-one error in CbCrossProcess object.
    • Fix issue iterating through Process Model Objects when accessing processes generated from a 5.2 server after upgrading to 6.1.
    • Reduce number of API requests required when accessing sibling information (parents, children, and siblings) from the Process Model Object.
    • Retrieve all events for a process when using segment ID of zero on a Cb Response 6.1 server.
    • Behavior of Process.children attribute has changed:
      • Only one entry is present per child (before there were up to two; one for the spawn event, one for the terminate event)
      • The timestamp is derived from the start time of the process, not the timestamp from the spawn event. the two timestamps will be off by a few microseconds.
      • The old behavior is still available by using the Process.childprocs attribute instead. This incurs a performance penalty as another API call will have to be made to collect the childproc information.
    • Binary Model Object now returns False for .is_signed attribute if it is set to (Unknown).
  • Moved the six Python module into cbapi and removed the external dependency.

CbAPI 1.2.0 - Released June 22, 2017

This release introduces compatibility with our new product, Cb Defense, as well as adding new Model Objects introduced in the Cb Protection 8.0 APIs.

Other changes:

  • Cb Response
    • New method synchronize() added to the Feed Model Object
  • Bug fixes and documentation improvements

CbAPI 1.1.1 - Released June 2, 2017

This release includes compatibility fixes for Cb Response 6.1. Changes from 1.0.1 include:

  • Substantial changes to the Process Model Object for Cb Response 6.1. See details below.
  • New StoragePartition Model Object to control Solr core loading/unloading in Cb Response 6.1.
  • New IngressFilter Model Object to control ingress filter settings in Cb Response 6.1.
  • Fix issues with example script.
  • Add .all_events property to the Process Model Object to expose a list of all events across all segments.
  • Add example script to perform auto-banning based on watchlist hits from Cb Event Forwarder S3 output files.
  • Add bulk operations to the ThreatReport and Alert Query objects:
    • You can now call .set_ignored(), .assign(), and .change_status() on an Alert Query object to change the respective fields for every Alert that matches the query.
    • You can now call .set_ignored() on a ThreatReport Query object to set or clear the ignored flag for every ThreatReport that matches the query.

Changes to Process Model Object for Cb Response 6.1

Cb Response 6.1 uses a new way of recording process events that greatly increases the speed and scale of collection, allowing you to store and search data for more endpoints on the same hardware. Details on the new database format can be found on the Developer Network website at the Process API Changes for Cb Response 6.0 page.

The Process Model Object traditionally referred to a single “segment” of events in the Cb Response database. In Cb Response versions prior to 6.0, a single segment will include up to 10,000 individual endpoint events, enough to handle over 95% of the typical event activity for a given process. Therefore, even though a Process Model Object technically refers to a single segment in a process, since most processes had less than 10,000 events and therefore were only comprised of a single segment, this distinction wasn’t necessary.

However, now that processes are split across many segments, a better way of handling this is necessary. Therefore, Cb Response 6.0 introduces the new .group_by() method. This method is new in cbapi 1.1.0 and is part of five new query filters available when communicating with a Cb Response 6.1 server. These filters are accessible via methods on the Process Query object. These new methods are:

  • .group_by() - Group the result set by a field in the response. Typically you will want to group by id, which will ensure that the result set only has one result per process rather than one result per event segment. For more information on processes, process segments, and how segments are stored in Cb Response 6.0, see the Process API Changes for Cb Response 6.0 page on the Developer Network website.
  • .min_last_update() - Only return processes that have events after a given date/time stamp (relative to the individual sensor’s clock)
  • .max_last_update() - Only return processes that have events before a given date/time stamp (relative to the individual sensor’s clock)
  • .min_last_server_update() - Only return processes that have events after a given date/time stamp (relative to the Cb Response server’s clock)
  • .max_last_server_update() - Only return processes that have events before a given date/time stamp (relative to the Cb Response server’s clock)

Examples for new Filters

Let’s take a look at an example:

>>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta
>>> yesterday = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=1)      # Get "yesterday" in GMT
>>> for proc in"process_name:cmd.exe").min_last_update(yesterday):
...     print, proc.segment
DEBUG:cbapi.connection:HTTP GET /api/v1/process?cb.min_last_update=2017-05-21T18%3A41%3A58Z&cb.urlver=1&facet=false&q=process_name%3Acmd.exe&rows=100&sort=last_update+desc&start=0 took 2.164s (response 200)
00000001-0000-0e48-01d2-c2a397f4cfe0 1495465643405
00000001-0000-0e48-01d2-c2a397f4cfe0 1495465407157
00000001-0000-0e48-01d2-c2a397f4cfe0 1495463680155
00000001-0000-0e48-01d2-c2a397f4cfe0 1495463807694
00000001-0000-0e48-01d2-c2a397f4cfe0 1495463543944
00000001-0000-0e48-01d2-c2a397f4cfe0 1495463176570
00000001-0000-0e48-01d2-c2a397f4cfe0 1495463243492

Notice that the “same” process ID is returned seven times, but with seven different segment IDs. Cb Response will return every process event segment that matches a given query, in this case, any event segment that contains the process command name cmd.exe.

That is, however, most likely not what you wanted. Instead, you’d like a list of the unique processes associated with the command name cmd.exe. Just add the .group_by("id") filter to your query:

>>> for proc in"process_name:cmd.exe").min_last_update(yesterday).group_by("id"):
...     print, proc.segment
DEBUG:cbapi.connection:HTTP GET /api/v1/process? took 2.163s (response 200)
00000001-0000-0e48-01d2-c2a397f4cfe0 1495465643405