CbAPI and Live Response

Working with the Live Response REST API directly can be difficult. Thankfully, just like the rest of Carbon Black’s REST APIs, cbapi provides Pythonic APIs to make working with the Live Response API much easier.

In addition to easy-to-use APIs to call into Live Response, cbapi also provides a “job-based” interface that allows cbapi to intelligently schedule large numbers of concurrent Live Response sessions across multiple sensors. Your code can then be notified when the jobs are complete, returning the results of the job if it succeeded or the Exception if it failed.

Getting Started with Live Response

The cbapi Live Response API is built around establishing a cbapi.response.live_response.LiveResponseSession object from a cbapi.response.models.Sensor Model Object. Then you can call methods on the LiveResponseSession object to perform Live Response actions on the target host. These calls are synchronous, meaning that they will wait until the action is complete and a result is available, before returning back to your script. Here’s an example:

>>> from cbapi.response import *
>>> cb = CbResponseAPI()
>>> sensor ="hostname:WIN-IA9NQ1GN8OI").first()
>>> with sensor.lr_session() as session:
...     print(session.get_file(r"c:\test.txt"))

this is a test

Since the Live Response API is synchronous, the script will not continue until either the Live Response session is established and the file contents are retrieved, or an exception occurs (in this case, either a timeout error or an error reading the file).

As seen in the example above, the .lr_session() method is context-aware. EDR (CB Response) has a limited number of concurrent Live Response session slots (by default, only ten). By wrapping the .lr_session() call within a with context, the session is automatically closed at the end of the block and frees that slot for another concurrent Live Response session in another script or user context.

A full listing of methods in the cbapi Live Response API is available in the documentation for the cbapi.live_response_api.CbLRSessionBase class.

Live Response Errors

There are four classes of errors that you will commonly encounter when working with the Live Response API:

  • A cbapi.errors.TimeoutError is raised if a timeout is encountered when waiting for a response for a Live Response API request.
  • A cbapi.response.live_response_api.LiveResponseError is raised if an error is returned during the execution of a Live Response command on an endpoint. The LiveResponseError includes detailed information about the error that occurred, including the exact error code that was returned from the endpoint and a textual description of the error.
  • A cbapi.errors.ApiError is raised if you attempt to execute a command that is not supported by the sensor; for example, attempting to acquire a memory dump from a sensor running a pre-5.1 version of the agent will fail with an ApiError exception.
  • A cbapi.errors.ServerError is raised if any other error occurs; for example, a 500 Internal Server Error is returned from the Live Response API.

Job-Based API

The basic Synchronous API described above in the Getting Started section works well for small tasks, targeting one sensor at a time. However, if you want to execute the same set of Live Response commands across a larger number of sensors, the cbapi provides a Job-Based Live Response API. The Job-Based Live Response API provides a straightforward API to submit Live Response jobs to a scheduler, schedule those Live Response jobs on individual endpoints concurrently, and return results and any errors back to you when the jobs complete. The Job-Based Live Response API is a natural fit with the Event-Based API to create IFTTT-style pipelines; if an event is received via the Event API, then perform Live Response actions on the affected endpoint via the Live Response Job-Based API.

The Job-Based API works by first defining a reusable “job” to perform on the endpoint. The Job is simply a class or function that takes a Live Response session object as input and performs a series of commands. Jobs can be as simple as retrieving a registry key, or as complex as collecting the Chrome browser history for any currently logged-in users.

Let’s look at an example Job to retrieve a registry key. This example job is pulled from the example script:

class GetRegistryValue(object):
    def __init__(self, registry_key):
        self.registry_key = registry_key

    def run(self, session):
        reg_info = session.get_registry_value(self.registry_key)
        return time.time(), session.sensor_id, self.registry_key, reg_info["value_data"]

To submit this job, you instantiate an instance of a GetRegistryValue class with the registry key you want to pull back from the endpoint, and submit the .run() method to the Live Response Job API:

>>> job = GetRegistryValue(regmod_path)
>>> registry_job = cb.live_response.submit_job(, sensor_id)

Your script resumes execution immediately after the call to .submit_job(). The job(s) that you’ve submitted will be executed in a set of background threads managed by cbapi.