EDR (CB Response) API Examples

>>> import logging
>>> root = logging.getLogger()
>>> root.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler())
>>> logging.getLogger("cbapi").setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
>>> from cbapi.response import *
>>> cb = CbResponseAPI()

With that boilerplate out of the way, let’s take a look at a few examples.

Download a Binary from EDR (CB Response)

Let’s grab a binary that EDR (CB Response) has collected from one of the endpoints. This can be useful if you want to send this binary for further automated analysis or pull it down for manual reverse engineering. You can see a full example with command line options in the examples directory: binary_download.py.

Let’s step through the example:

>>> import shutil
>>> md5 = "7FB55F5A62E78AF9B58D08AAEEAEF848"
>>> binary = cb.select(Binary, md5)
>>> shutil.copyfileobj(binary.file, open(binary.original_filename, "wb"))

First, we select the binary by its primary key: the MD5 hash of the binary contents. The third line requests the binary file data by accessing the file property on the Binary Model Object. The file property acts as a read-only, Python file-like object. In this case, we use the Python shutil library to copy one file object to another. The advantage of using shutil is that the file is copied in chunks, and the full file does not have to be read into memory before saving it to disk.

Another way to use the file property is to call .read() on it just like any other Python file object. The following code will read the first two bytes from the Binary:

>> binary.file.read(2)

Ban a Binary

Now let’s take this binary and add a Banning rule for it. To do this, we create a new BannedHash Model Object:

>>> bh = cb.create(BannedHash)
>>> bh.md5hash = binary.md5
>>> bh.text = "Banned from API"
>>> bh.enabled = True
>>> bh.save()
Creating a new BannedHash object
Sending HTTP POST /api/v1/banning/blacklist with {"md5hash": "7FB55F5A62E78AF9B58D08AAEEAEF848", "text": "banned from API"}
HTTP POST /api/v1/banning/blacklist took 0.035s (response 200)
Received response: {u'result': u'success'}
HTTP GET /api/v1/banning/blacklist/7FB55F5A62E78AF9B58D08AAEEAEF848 took 0.039s (response 200)

Note that if the hash is already banned in EDR (CB Response), then you will receive a ServerError exception with the message that the banned hash already exists.

Isolate a Sensor

Switching gears, let’s take a Sensor and quarantine it from the network. The EDR (CB Response) network isolation functionality allows administrators to isolate endpoints that may be actively involved in an incident, while preserving access to perform Live Response on that endpoint and collect further endpoint telemetry.

To isolate a sensor, we first need to acquire its Sensor Model Object:

>>> sensor = cb.select(Sensor).where("hostname:HOSTNAME").first()

This will select the first sensor that matches the hostname HOSTNAME. Now we can isolate that machine:

>>> sensor.isolate()
Updating Sensor with unique ID 4
Sending HTTP PUT /api/v1/sensor/4 with {"boot_id": "0", "build_id": 5, "build_version_string": "", ...}
HTTP PUT /api/v1/sensor/4 took 0.129s (response 204)
HTTP GET /api/v1/sensor/4 took 0.050s (response 200)

The .isolate() method will keep polling the EDR (CB Response) server until the sensor has confirmed that it is now isolated from the network. If the sensor is offline or otherwise unreachable, this call could never return. Therefore, there is also a timeout= keyword parameter that can be used to set an optional timeout that, if reached, will throw a TimeoutError exception. The .isolate() function returns True when the sensor is successfully isolated.

When you’re ready to restore full network connectivity to the sensor, simply call the .unisolate() method:

>>> sensor.unisolate()
Updating Sensor with unique ID 4
Sending HTTP PUT /api/v1/sensor/4 with {"boot_id": "0", "build_id": 5, "build_version_string": "", ...}
HTTP PUT /api/v1/sensor/4 took 0.077s (response 204)
HTTP GET /api/v1/sensor/4 took 0.020s (response 200)

Again, once the sensor is back on the network, the .unisolate() method will return True. Just like .isolate(), you can optionally specify a timeout using the timeout= keyword parameter.

Querying Processes and Events

Now, let’s do some queries into the EDR (CB Response) database. The true power of EDR (CB Response) is its continuous recording and powerful query language that allows you to go back in time and track the root cause of any security incident on your endpoints. Let’s start with a simple query to find instances of a specific behavioral IOC, where our attacker used the built-in Windows tool net.exe to mount an internal network share. We will iterate over all uses of net.exe to mount our target share, printing out the parent processes that led to the execution of the offending command:

>>> query = cb.select(Process).where("process_name:net.exe").and_(r"cmdline:\\test\blah").group_by("id")
>>> def print_details(proc, depth):
...     print("%s%s: %s ran %s" % (" "*depth, proc.start, proc.username, proc.cmdline))
>>> for proc in query:
...     print_details(proc, 0)
...     proc.walk_parents(print_details)
HTTP GET /api/v1/process?cb.urlver=1&facet=false&q=process_name%3Anet.exe+cmdline%3A%5C%5Ctest%5Cblah&rows=100&sort=last_update+desc&start=0 took 0.462s (response 200)
2016-11-11 20:59:31.631000: WIN-IA9NQ1GN8OI\bit9rad ran net  use y: \\test\blah
HTTP GET /api/v3/process/00000003-0000-036c-01d2-2efd3af51186/1/event took 0.036s (response 200)
2016-10-25 20:20:29.790000: WIN-IA9NQ1GN8OI\bit9rad ran "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe"
HTTP GET /api/v3/process/00000003-0000-0c34-01d2-2ec94f09cae6/1/event took 0.213s (response 200)
 2016-10-25 14:08:49.651000: WIN-IA9NQ1GN8OI\bit9rad ran C:\Windows\Explorer.EXE
HTTP GET /api/v3/process/00000003-0000-0618-01d2-2ec94edef208/1/event took 0.013s (response 200)
  2016-10-25 14:08:49.370000: WIN-IA9NQ1GN8OI\bit9rad ran C:\Windows\system32\userinit.exe
HTTP GET /api/v3/process/00000003-0000-02ec-01d2-2ec9412b4b70/1/event took 0.017s (response 200)
   2016-10-25 14:08:26.382000: SYSTEM ran winlogon.exe
HTTP GET /api/v3/process/00000003-0000-02b0-01d2-2ec94115df7a/1/event took 0.012s (response 200)
    2016-10-25 14:08:26.242000: SYSTEM ran \SystemRoot\System32\smss.exe 00000001 00000030
HTTP GET /api/v3/process/00000003-0000-0218-01d2-2ec93f813429/1/event took 0.021s (response 200)
     2016-10-25 14:08:23.590000: SYSTEM ran \SystemRoot\System32\smss.exe
HTTP GET /api/v3/process/00000003-0000-0004-01d2-2ec93f7c7181/1/event took 0.081s (response 200)
      2016-10-25 14:08:23.559000: SYSTEM ran c:\windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe
HTTP GET /api/v3/process/00000003-0000-0000-01d2-2ec93f6051ee/1/event took 0.011s (response 200)
       2016-10-25 14:08:23.374000:  ran c:\windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe
HTTP GET /api/v3/process/00000003-0000-0004-01d2-2ec93f6051ee/1/event took 0.011s (response 200)
2016-11-11 20:59:25.667000: WIN-IA9NQ1GN8OI\bit9rad ran net  use z: \\test\blah
2016-10-25 20:20:29.790000: WIN-IA9NQ1GN8OI\bit9rad ran "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe"
 2016-10-25 14:08:49.651000: WIN-IA9NQ1GN8OI\bit9rad ran C:\Windows\Explorer.EXE
  2016-10-25 14:08:49.370000: WIN-IA9NQ1GN8OI\bit9rad ran C:\Windows\system32\userinit.exe
   2016-10-25 14:08:26.382000: SYSTEM ran winlogon.exe
    2016-10-25 14:08:26.242000: SYSTEM ran \SystemRoot\System32\smss.exe 00000001 00000030
     2016-10-25 14:08:23.590000: SYSTEM ran \SystemRoot\System32\smss.exe
      2016-10-25 14:08:23.559000: SYSTEM ran c:\windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe
       2016-10-25 14:08:23.374000:  ran c:\windows\system32\ntoskrnl.exe

That was a lot in one code sample, so let’s break it down part-by-part.

First, we set up the query variable by creating a new Query object using the .where() and .and_() methods. Next, we define a function that will get called on each parent process all the way up the chain to the system kernel loading during the boot process. This function, print_details, will print a few data points about each process: namely, the local endpoint time when that process started, the user who spawned the process, and the command line for the process.

Finally, we execute our query by looping over the result set with a Python for loop. For each process that matches the query, first we print details of the process itself (the process that called net.exe with a command line argument of our target share \\test\blah), then calls the .walk_parents() helper method to walk up the chain of all parent processes. Each level of parent process (the “depth”) is represented by an extra space; therefore, reading backwards, you can see that ntoskrnl.exe spawned smss.exe, which in turn spawned winlogon.exe, and so on. You can see the full backwards chain of events that ultimately led to the execution of each of these net.exe calls.

Remember that we have logging turned on for these examples, so you see each of the HTTP GET requests to retrieve process event details as they happen. Astute observers will note that walking the parents of the second net.exe command, where the \\test\blah share was mounted on the z: drive, did not trigger additional HTTP GET requests. This is thanks to cbapi’s caching layer. Since both net.exe commands ran as part of the same command shell session, the parent processes are shared between the two executions. Since the parent processes were already requested as part of the previous walk up the chain of parent processes, cbapi did not re-request the data from the server, instead using its internal cache to satisfy the process information requests from this script.

New Filters: Group By, Time Restrictions

In the query above, there is an extra .group_by() method. This method is new in cbapi 1.1.0 and is part of five new query filters available when communicating with a EDR (CB Response) 6.1 server. These filters are accessible via methods on the Process Query object. These new methods are:

  • .group_by() - Group the result set by a field in the response. Typically you will want to group by id, which will ensure that the result set only has one result per process rather than one result per event segment. For more information on processes, process segments, and how segments are stored in EDR (CB Response) 6.0, see the Process API Changes for EDR (CB Response) 6.0 page on the Developer Network website.

  • .min_last_update() - Only return processes that have events after a given date/time stamp (relative to the individual sensor’s clock)

  • .max_last_update() - Only return processes that have events before a given date/time stamp (relative to the individual sensor’s clock)

  • .min_last_server_update() - Only return processes that have events after a given date/time stamp (relative to the EDR (CB Response) server’s clock)

  • .max_last_server_update() - Only return processes that have events before a given date/time stamp (relative to the EDR (CB Response) server’s clock)

EDR (CB Response) 6.1 uses a new way of recording process events that greatly increases the speed and scale of collection, allowing you to store and search data for more endpoints on the same hardware. Details on the new database format can be found on the Developer Network website at the Process API Changes for EDR (CB Response) 6.0 page.

The Process Model Object traditionally referred to a single “segment” of events in the CB Response database. In EDR (CB Response) versions prior to 6.0, a single segment will include up to 10,000 individual endpoint events, enough to handle over 95% of the typical event activity for a given process. Therefore, even though a Process Model Object technically refers to a single segment in a process, since most processes had less than 10,000 events and therefore were only comprised of a single segment, this distinction wasn’t necessary.

However, now that processes are split across many segments, a better way of handling this is necessary. Therefore, EDR (CB Response) 6.0 introduces the new .group_by() method.

More on Filters

Querying for a process will return all segments that match. For example, if you search for process_name:cmd.exe, the result set will include all segments of all cmd.exe processes. Therefore, EDR (CB Response) 6.1 introduced the ability to “group” result sets by a field in the result. Typically you will want to group by the internal process id (the id field), and this is what we did in the query above. Grouping by the id field will ensure that only one result is returned per process rather than per segment.

Let’s take a look at an example:

>>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta
>>> yesterday = datetime.utcnow() - timedelta(days=1)      # Get "yesterday" in GMT
>>> for proc in c.select(Process).where("process_name:cmd.exe").min_last_update(yesterday):
...     print proc.id, proc.segment
DEBUG:cbapi.connection:HTTP GET /api/v1/process?cb.min_last_update=2017-05-21T18%3A41%3A58Z&cb.urlver=1&facet=false&q=process_name%3Acmd.exe&rows=100&sort=last_update+desc&start=0 took 2.164s (response 200)
00000001-0000-0e48-01d2-c2a397f4cfe0 1495465643405
00000001-0000-0e48-01d2-c2a397f4cfe0 1495465407157
00000001-0000-0e48-01d2-c2a397f4cfe0 1495463680155
00000001-0000-0e48-01d2-c2a397f4cfe0 1495463807694
00000001-0000-0e48-01d2-c2a397f4cfe0 1495463543944
00000001-0000-0e48-01d2-c2a397f4cfe0 1495463176570
00000001-0000-0e48-01d2-c2a397f4cfe0 1495463243492

Notice that the “same” process ID is returned seven times, but with seven different segment IDs. EDR (CB Response) will return every process event segment that matches a given query, in this case, any event segment that contains the process command name cmd.exe.

That is, however, most likely not what you wanted. Instead, you’d like a list of the unique processes associated with the command name cmd.exe. Just add the .group_by("id") filter to your query:

>>> for proc in c.select(Process).where("process_name:cmd.exe").min_last_update(yesterday).group_by("id"):
...     print proc.id, proc.segment
DEBUG:cbapi.connection:HTTP GET /api/v1/process?cb.group=id&cb.min_last_update=2017-05-21T18%3A41%3A58Z&cb.urlver=1&facet=false&q=process_name%3Acmd.exe&rows=100&sort=last_update+desc&start=0 took 2.163s (response 200)
00000001-0000-0e48-01d2-c2a397f4cfe0 1495465643405

Feed and Watchlist Maintenance

The cbapi provides several helper functions to assist in creating watchlists and feeds.

Watchlists are simply saved Queries that are automatically run on the EDR (CB Response) server on a periodic basis. Results of the watchlist are tagged in the database and optionally trigger alerts. Therefore, a cbapi Query can easily be converted into a watchlist through the Query .create_watchlist() function:

>>> new_watchlist = query.create_watchlist("[WARN] Attempts to mount internal share")
Creating a new Watchlist object
Sending HTTP POST /api/v1/watchlist with {"id": null, "index_type": "events", "name": "[WARN] Attempts to mount internal share", "search_query": "facet=false&q=process_name%3Anet.exe+cmdline%3A%5C%5Ctest%5Cblah&cb.urlver=1&sort=last_update+desc"}
HTTP POST /api/v1/watchlist took 0.510s (response 200)
Received response: {u'id': 222}
Only received an ID back from the server, forcing a refresh
HTTP GET /api/v1/watchlist/222 took 0.034s (response 200)

This helper function will automatically create a watchlist from the Query object with the given name.

If you have a watchlist that already exists, the Watchlist Model Object can help you extract the human-readable query from the watchlist. Just select the watchlist and access the .query property on the Watchlist Model Object:

>>> my_watchlist = cb.select(Watchlist).where("name:[WARN] Attempts to mount internal share").one()
>>> print(my_watchlist.query)
process_name:net.exe cmdline:\\test\blah

You can also execute the query straight from the Watchlist Model Object:

>>> len(my_watchlist.search())
HTTP GET /api/v1/process?cb.urlver=1&facet=false&q=process_name%3Anet.exe+cmdline%3A%5C%5Ctest%5Cblah&rows=0&start=0 took 0.477s (response 200)

And finally, you can of course enable and disable Watchlists:

>>> my_watchlist.enabled = False
>>> my_watchlist.save()
Updating Watchlist with unique ID 222
Sending HTTP PUT /api/v1/watchlist/222 with {"alliance_id": null, "date_added": "2016-11-15 23:48:27.615993-05:00", "enabled": false, "from_alliance": false, "group_id": -1, "id": "222", "index_type": "events", "last_hit": "2016-11-15 23:50:08.448685-05:00", "last_hit_count": 2, "name": "[WARN] Attempts to mount internal share", "readonly": false, "search_query": "facet=false&q=process_name%3Anet.exe%20cmdline%3A%5C%5Ctest%5Cblah&cb.urlver=1", "search_timestamp": "2016-11-16T04:50:01.750240Z", "total_hits": "2", "total_tags": "2"}
HTTP PUT /api/v1/watchlist/222 took 0.036s (response 200)
Received response: {u'result': u'success'}
HTTP GET /api/v1/watchlist/222 took 0.029s (response 200)

You can see more examples of Feed and Watchlist maintenance in the feed_operations.py and watchlist_operations.py example scripts.

Managing Threat Reports & Alerts

The cbapi provides helper functions to manage alerts and threat reports in bulk. The Query objects associated with the ThreatReport and Alert Model Objects provide a few bulk operations to help manage large numbers of Threat Reports and Alerts, respectively.

To mark a large number of Threat Reports as false positives, create a query that matches the Reports you’re interested in. For example, if every Report from the Feed named “SOC” that contains the word “FUZZYWOMBAT” in the report title should be considered a false positive (and no longer trigger Alerts), you can write the following code to do so:

>>> feed = c.select(Feed).where("name:SOC").one()
>>> report_query = feed.reports.where("title:FUZZYWOMBAT")
>>> report_query.set_ignored()

Similar actions can be taken on Alerts. The AlertQuery object exposes three helper methods to perform bulk operations on sets of Alerts: .set_ignored(), .assign_to(), and .change_status().

Joining Everything Together

Now that we’ve examined how to request information on binaries, sensors, and processes through cbapi, let’s chain this all together using the “join” functionality of cbapi’s Model Objects. Let’s just tweak the print_details function from above to add a few more contextual details. Our new function will now include the following data points for each process:

  • The hostname the process was executed on

  • The sensor group that host belongs to

  • If the binary was signed, also print out:
    • The number of days between when the binary was signed and it was executed on the endpoint

    • The verified publisher name from the digital signature

We can transparently “join” between the Process Model Object and the Sensor, Sensor Group, and Binary Model Objects using the appropriately named helper properties. Here’s the new function:

>>> import pytz

>>> def print_details(proc, depth):
...     print("On host {0} (part of sensor group {1}):".format(proc.hostname, proc.sensor.group.name))
...     print("- At {0}, process {1} was executed by {2}".format(proc.start, proc.cmdline, proc.username))
...     if proc.binary.signed:
...         # force local timestamp into UTC, we're just looking for an estimate here.
...         utc_timestamp = proc.start.replace(tzinfo=pytz.timezone("UTC"))
...         days_since_signed = (utc_timestamp - proc.binary.signing_data.sign_time).days
...         print("- That binary ({0}) was signed by {1} {2} days before it was executed.".format(proc.process_md5,
...             proc.binary.signing_data.publisher, days_since_signed))

Now if we run our for loop from above again:

>>> for proc in query:
...     print_details(proc, 0)
...     proc.walk_parents(print_details)
HTTP GET /api/v1/process?cb.urlver=1&facet=false&q=process_name%3Anet.exe+cmdline%3A%5C%5Ctest%5Cblah&rows=100&sort=last_update+desc&start=0 took 0.487s (response 200)
HTTP GET /api/v1/sensor/3 took 0.037s (response 200)
HTTP GET /api/group/1 took 0.022s (response 200)
On host WIN-IA9NQ1GN8OI (part of sensor group Default Group):
- At 2016-11-11 20:59:31.631000, process net  use y: \\test\blah was executed by WIN-IA9NQ1GN8OI\bit9rad
HTTP GET /api/v1/binary/79B6D4C5283FC806387C55B8D7C8B762/summary took 0.016s (response 200)
- That binary (79b6d4c5283fc806387c55b8d7c8b762) was signed by Microsoft Corporation 1569 days before it was executed.
HTTP GET /api/v3/process/00000003-0000-036c-01d2-2efd3af51186/1/event took 0.045s (response 200)
On host WIN-IA9NQ1GN8OI (part of sensor group Default Group):
- At 2016-10-25 20:20:29.790000, process "C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe"  was executed by WIN-IA9NQ1GN8OI\bit9rad
HTTP GET /api/v1/binary/BF93A2F9901E9B3DFCA8A7982F4A9868/summary took 0.015s (response 200)
- That binary (bf93a2f9901e9b3dfca8a7982f4a9868) was signed by Microsoft Corporation 1552 days before it was executed.

Those few lines of Python above are jam-packed with functionality. Now for each process execution, we have added contextual information on the source host, the group that host is part of, and details about the signing status of the binary that was executed. The magic is performed behind the scenes when we use the .binary and .sensor properties on the Process Model Object. Just like our previous example, cbapi’s caching layer ensures that we do not overload the EDR (CB Response) server with duplicate requests for the same data. In this example, multiple redundant requests for sensor, sensor group, and binary data are all eliminated by cbapi’s cache.


The cbapi also provides functionality to pull facet information from the database. You can use the .facet() method on a Query object to retrieve facet (ie. “group”) information for a given query result set. Here’s an example that pulls the most common process names for our sample host:

>>> def print_facet_histogram(facets):
...     for entry in facets:
...         print("%15s: %5s%% %s" % (entry["name"][:15], entry["ratio"], u"\u25A0"*int((entry["percent"])/2)))

>>> facet_query = cb.select(Process).where("hostname:WIN-IA9NQ1GN8OI").and_("username:bit9rad")
>>> print_facet_histogram(facet_query.facets("process_name")["process_name"])

HTTP GET /api/v1/process?cb.urlver=1&facet=true&facet.field=process_name&facet.field=username&q=hostname%3AWIN-IA9NQ1GN8OI+username%3Abit9rad&rows=0&start=0 took 0.024s (response 200)
     chrome.exe:  23.4% ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
thumbnailextrac:  15.4% ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
   adobearm.exe:   8.6% ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
   taskhost.exe:   6.0% ■■■■■■■■■■■■
    conhost.exe:   4.7% ■■■■■■■■■
       ping.exe:   4.0% ■■■■■■■■
     wermgr.exe:   3.5% ■■■■■■■

In the above example, we just pulled one facet: the process_name; you can ask the server for faceting on multiple fields in one query by simply listing the fields in the call to .facet(): for example, .facet("username", "process_name") will produce a dictionary with two top-level keys: username and process_name.

Administrative Tasks

In addition to querying data, you can also perform various administrative tasks using cbapi.

Let’s create a user on our EDR (CB Response) server:

>>> user = cb.create(User)
>>> user.username = "jgarman"
>>> user.password = "cbisawesome"
>>> user.first_name = "Jason"
>>> user.last_name = "Garman"
>>> user.email = "jgarman@carbonblack.com"
>>> user.teams = []
>>> user.global_admin = False
Creating a new User object
Sending HTTP POST /api/user with {"email": "jgarman@carbonblack.com", "first_name": "Jason", "global_admin": false, "id": null, "last_name": "Garman", "password": "cbisawesome", "teams": [], "username": null}
HTTP POST /api/user took 0.608s (response 200)
Received response: {u'result': u'success'}

How about moving a sensor to a new Sensor Group:

>>> sg = cb.create(SensorGroup)
>>> sg.name = "Critical Endpoints"
>>> sg.site = 1
>>> sg.save()
Creating a new SensorGroup object
Sending HTTP POST /api/group with {"id": null, "name": "Critical Endpoints", "site_id": 1}
HTTP POST /api/group took 0.282s (response 200)
Received response: {u'id': 2}
Only received an ID back from the server, forcing a refresh
HTTP GET /api/group/2 took 0.011s (response 200)
>>> sensor = cb.select(Sensor).where("hostname:WIN-IA9NQ1GN8OI").first()
>>> sensor.group = sg
>>> sensor.save()
Updating Sensor with unique ID 3
Sending HTTP PUT /api/v1/sensor/3 with {"boot_id": "2", "build_id": 2, "build_version_string": "", ...
HTTP PUT /api/v1/sensor/3 took 0.087s (response 204)
HTTP GET /api/v1/sensor/3 took 0.030s (response 200)